Obed Heights Firewise Project

Development of a CWPP and pre-attack plan for the Obed Heights Development in Wilkes County. The plan includes individual assessments and mitigation plans for each of the structures within the development as well as an overall assessment for the entire area.

Obed Heights Accomplishment Map

Obed Heights Accomplishment Map

Approximately 10 acres were treated to reduce the fire hazards in the development In some areas brush was pulled from treated areas to dispense the full load. In other areas, mowing was done to widen existing right of ways. 

Fuels reduction work was also done along the improved fieriness that were placed in common areas strategically close to the structures. 

Approximately .6 miles of fuel breaks were constructed or improved within the development near homes to provide access to fire control crews if a wildfire is approaching the homes themselves. 

Fire breaks established by construction of road and removing understory fuels.

Fire breaks established by construction of road and removing understory fuels.

The initial community assessment noted that there was no water source available within the development and because of the extremely steep road entrance. Firewise funds were used to place a dry hydrant in a pond and provide access roads for fire equipment

Dry hydrant

Dry hydrant

Road access was improved by cleaning back the brush along existing roads, grading sections of the road to correct erosion problems, widening the turnarounds and applying gravel to make a safer turnaround for fire engines.

Fuel removal on side of road

Fuel removal on side of road

Dry hydrant access road

Dry hydrant access road

Fire department turnaround and helispot construction

Fire department turnaround and helispot construction